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Meeting of 2008-06/24
TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2008

The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at 110 Main Street. In attendance were Edward S. Harrison, Kathleen C. Norbut and Richard E. Guertin. Also present were the Town Administrator and the media.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Acceptance of Meeting Minutes:
Mr. Guertin made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of June 10, 2008 – open session. Ms. Norbut seconded and it was so VOTED.

Pole Petition #8354 – Six New J.O. Poles – Beebe Road:
Mr. Guertin read pole petition #8354 into the record. The Water/Sewer and Highway Departments had no objection to the poles locations. There wasn’t anyone in the audience to speak for or against the petition.

National Grid Representative Amanda Christian stated the new poles were requested by the cable television company who will be installing cable on the road. Ms. Christian stated the existing pole spans are too far apart and by installing the new poles, the spans will now be of normal or average spacing.

Mr. Guertin made a motion to approve pole petition #8354 as presented. Ms. Norbut seconded and it was so VOTED.

Highway Surveyor – Concerns Regarding Verizon Utility Poles/Maintenance:
Highway Surveyor John Morrell approached the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Morrell stated he has received complaints from time to time regarding the double poles in the front yards of residents, and noted most of the poles are owned by National Grid who is waiting for Verizon to move their lines from the old poles to the new poles. However, some of the poles are owned by Verizon. Mr. Morrell stated telephone calls to Verizon go nowhere, as they only pass him onto someone and he feels the town should be getting more co-operation from them. Mr. Morrell showed the Board of Selectmen pictures of a tree on Bethany Road and stated he has asked Verizon to trim the trees getting them below the wires so his crew could maintain them properly, as Verizon would take no responsibility if limbs were to break. Mr. Morrell said he knows of some areas in town where the double poles have been up for at least six months and feels some kind of written agreement should be in place for the prompt transfer of lines and the removal of the old poles. The double poles pose a safety problem and should not be there. Mr. Morrell noted Verizon never notifies the town of new or replaced poles prior to their placement. Mr. Guertin said Verizon should follow the same procedure as National Grid. Mr. Morrell said he would like to see Verizon invited in to a meeting to discuss this issue. Ms. Neggers added she spoke with Verizon regarding the tree on Bethany Road and agreed they are completely uncooperative as Verizon seemed startled Monson would even ask for help maintaining around the trees.

Ms. Norbut suggested a packet be prepared prior to Verizon coming in documenting the times Verizon was asked to trim the trees, information on the double poles in town, etc. Ms. Neggers added the double poles are a chronic problem state wide.

Mr. Morrell agreed to compile the data.

Emergency Management Director:
   1. Discussion/Approval of Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
   2. Discussion of Regional Emergency Planning Committee Concept
Emergency Management Director Jeremy Bedson approached the Board of Selectmen.
(1) Mr. Bedson said the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan was started in 2007 with the assistance of the School, Highway Dept., Police Dept. and a few others for any potential disasters that could happen in Monson. The approval of this plan would assist in the funding for it, keeping the costs down. Several corrections were noted in the plan presented.

Mr. Guertin made a motion to approve the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan with the understanding there are some changes to be made and possibly others not yet found. Ms. Norbut seconded and it was so VOTED.

(2) Mr. Bedson stated MEMA came up with regionalizing the Emergency Planning Committee where eight to ten towns would be involved, allowing the towns to do more, with more funding in place. This would allow for just one Fire Chief, one Police Chief, one Highway Surveyor, etc. to oversee the plan.

Ms. Norbut added she and Mr. Bedson attended a Regional Emergency Planning meeting at the Palmer Public Library in May with representatives from Monson, Palmer, Hampden, Wilbraham, Wales, Brimfield and Warren in attendance. Instead of each of the towns struggling with paperwork for grants, etc., everything would be shared.  Requested is a letter of support for a Regional Emergency Planning Committee. This is a preliminary discussion and a preliminary step.

Mr. Harrison wondered about any costs involved for the administration of this and added it is something to keep an eye on. Ms. Norbut felt that question would be something that should be brought up to the Regional Emergency Planning Committee at one of their meeting.

Ms. Norbut made a motion to approve to have Jeremy Bedson pursue the process of the R.E.P.C. and to bring the information back to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Guertin seconded and it was so VOTED.

Complete Reappointments/Appointments Effective July 1, 2008:
Mr. Guertin read the attached list of names and made a motion to appoint them as presented. Ms. Norbut seconded and it was so VOTED.

In Other Business to Come Before the Board of Selectmen:
·       Ms. Neggers announced Superintendent-Director Dr. Paist for Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical High School District stated Monson’s current School Committee member Barbara Beaulieau, does not plan to run for re-election this coming November, therefore they are looking for candidates to take out nomination papers. Nomination papers are available in the office at Pathfinder and need to be returned to the local Registrars of Voters by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2008. Anyone wanting more information may contact Pathfinder at 283-9701.

·       Mr. Harrison stated in regards to the budget process, the Board of Selectmen tried to be pro-active and tried to get the school to submit their budget early. Mr. Harrison added there was an article in the Springfield Republican stating $170,000.00 was discovered in the school budget well after the Town meeting. Mr. Harrison noted if the Selectmen had knowledge of this prior to the Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen would have done things differently, with $26,000.00 needed for the Pathfinder assessment and additional costs for heating, etc. Ms. Norbut added it is important for the community to know how responsible the Board of Selectmen are and that they supported education at the expense of cutting the regular personnel, yet she finds it hard to see this information coming forward after the Annual Town Meeting. The Board of Selectmen agreed the numbers need to be transparent and forthcoming from the school. Mr. Harrison felt it should be known prior to Town Meeting what is being dealt with in regards to the budget. Mr. Guertin felt the credibility of the Board of Selectmen had been injured by this find and wasn’t happy they had to pay the price, but noted the good news is they found the funds and maybe less teachers would be leaving. Mr. Guertin also noted he was happy it was a positive discovery and not a negative discovery.

Ed Maia of the Monson School Committee was in the audience and approached the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Maia stated the $170,000.00 was not found, but rather based on a lot of hard work by a lot of people. $20,000.00 is coming from savings with new vendors; $110,000.00 is due to new students coming in and from a few thousand here and there and not that they just happened to find the money as stated.

Mr. Guertin said he would like to see progress with the School Committee, still having a difference of opinions yet being more responsible and start acting like a team. Mr. Harrison agreed. Mr. Maia explained the School Committee is a committee of five with three brand new members; the 30 years Director of Business and Facilities is leaving and the acting Superintendent is leaving as well making this a transitional year.

·       Ms. Norbut noted the Monson Dolphins Booster Club is holding a fundraiser for the pool selling Lotto Calendars with very impressive prizes.

·       It was noted the Summerfest will be held on July 4th with Lucky Ducks on sale by the Rotary Club. The Rotary also held its first wonderful summer concert last week with the next concert to be held on July 15th and another one to be held on August 19th. These are announced in the Springfield newspaper, the Palmer Journal as well as announced on M-PACT.

Correspondence was read and completed.

At 8:25 p.m., Mr. Guertin made a motion to adjourn from open session to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing non-union contractual and collective bargaining, not to return to open session. Ms. Norbut seconded and it was so VOTED.

Richard E. Guertin, Clerk